# EC-003-NET.probNet_README.txt Each column is calculated from a ChIP-seq/eCLIP experiment in the Regulator@CellType format. Gene names are given in column 1. The regulation score was given from column 2 to the last, in the range of (0,1]. 1 indicates the largest while 0 means the smallest regulation potential. The first row is the annotation row. If users want to use a binary network, we suggest using 0.9 and 0.5 as the strict and lenient cutoffs. ####### TF based net in all cell types ####### EC-003-NET.probNet_TF.txt Gencode ID were used in column 1 ####### TF based net in all cell types ####### EC-003-NET.probNet_RBP.txt Entrez ID were used in column 1